Monday Breakfast Blend - Anti-Cop Country

Good morning and thanks for joining me for a heaping helping of country that doesn’t call 911! The playlist today defines country broadly — we’ve got classic outlaw country in here, of course, but also old time and Southern folk and blues. This haters’ ball takes on not only policemen, but jailers, judges, and company bosses, too. From songs decrying the “gun thugs” hired by coal company bosses to violently oppress miners to songs musing on fantasy worlds bereft of policing; from songs about life in the carceral system to songs espousing the joys of defying cops just to run the roads and get high — it’s all in here. See you in two weeks!

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"Barbry Allen"

"Barbry Allen"

I recorded myself singing this old Smoky Mountain (via Scotland) folk ballad to make sure I still had a voice. It ain’t fancy — it’s a capella and you can hear my upstairs neighbor walking around and yelling — but it’s a good, sad bedtime story if you need one.

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